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Enter the new Internet wanders !!


How would your life if you had participated in the IPO of WhatsApp , Viadeo , LinkedIn, Facebook or even Shat Snap ??


WhatsApp was bought € 22 billion by Facebook , we are millions of users , it is we who participate in dévelloppement of this company, and what have we got in return? NOTHING !!


If you were offered to take part of this great internet market ?


How ? Bonofa combines a platform of social media and online shops ( shopping, gamming , Casino, Applications , Movies , Travel ....) .

The FIRST and the ONLY social network that will pay its members and users!


If you also want to be part of this great adventure , do not hesitate! Watch this short video , and then contact me.

Short presentation by

Valérie Delhome


Look at the value

of compoints

Pour devenir partenaire,

Cliquez ici

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